
下载:wget http://mysqltuner.pl/ -O mysqltuner.pl

运行:perl mysqltuner.pl 结果:

>>  MySQLTuner 1.4.0 - Major Hayden <major@mhtx.net>
 >>  Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at http://mysqltuner.com/
 >>  Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering
Please enter your MySQL administrative login: root
Please enter your MySQL administrative password:
[OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.5.41-0+wheezy1
[OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

-------- Storage Engine Statistics -------------------------------------------
[--] Data in InnoDB tables: 1M (Tables: 11)
[--] Data in PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables: 0B (Tables: 17)
[!!] Total fragmented tables: 11

-------- Security Recommendations  -------------------------------------------
[OK] All database users have passwords assigned

-------- Performance Metrics -------------------------------------------------
[--] Up for: 47s (113 q [2.404 qps], 42 conn, TX: 19K, RX: 7K)
[--] Reads / Writes: 100% / 0%
[--] Total buffers: 192.0M global + 2.7M per thread (151 max threads)
[OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 597.8M (60% of installed RAM)
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (0/113)
[OK] Highest usage of available connections: 0% (1/151)
[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 16.0M/99.0K
[!!] Query cache efficiency: 0.0% (0 cached / 71 selects)
[OK] Query cache prunes per day: 0
[OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 25% (54 on disk / 213 total)
[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 97% (1 created / 42 connections)
[OK] Table cache hit rate: 24% (52 open / 215 opened)
[OK] Open file limit used: 4% (48/1K)
[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 100% (62 immediate / 62 locks)
[OK] InnoDB buffer pool / data size: 128.0M/1.2M
[OK] InnoDB log waits: 0
-------- Recommendations -----------------------------------------------------
General recommendations:
    Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance
    Enable the slow query log to troubleshoot bad queries
Variables to adjust:
    query_cache_limit (> 1M, or use smaller result sets)

第一,需要添加一个 php 文件来实现删除功能,文件添加到:ueditor\php\action_delete.php 代码内容:


 * Flyヽ
 * http://lfei.org
 * 2016-02-04
 * action_delete.php
 * 删除 Ueditor 目录下的文件

try {
    $path = $_POST['path'];
    $path = str_replace('../', '', $path);
    $path = str_replace('/', '\\', $path);
    //安全判断(只允许删除 ueditor 目录下的文件)
    if(stripos($path, '\\ueditor\\') !== 0)
        return '非法删除';
    $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path;
    if(file_exists($path)) {
        return 'ok';
    } else {
        return '删除失败,未找到'.$path;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    return '删除异常:'.$e->getMessage();

第二,需要在ueditor\php\controller.php文件的switch中添加命令 deleteimage 的处理:


switch ($action) {

    /* 删除图片命令处理 */
    case 'deleteimage':
         $result = include('action_delete.php');
    /* 在 default 之前添加 */
        $result = json_encode(array(
            'state'=> '请求地址出错'



第三,在图片上添加删除按钮,需要修改 Js 文件:ueditor\dialogs\image\image.js


/* 在这两句之后添加 */

/* 添加删除功能 */
item.appendChild($("<span class='delbtn' url='" + list[i].url + "'>✖</span>").click(function() {
    var del = $(this);
        window.event.cancelBubble = true; //停止冒泡
        window.event.returnValue = false; //阻止事件的默认行为
        window.event.preventDefault();    //取消事件的默认行为  
        window.event.stopPropagation();   //阻止事件的传播
    } finally {
        if(!confirm("确定要删除吗?")) return;
        $.post(editor.getOpt("serverUrl") + "?action=deleteimage", { "path": del.attr("url") }, function(result) {
            if (result == "ok") del.parent().remove();
            else alert(result);

/* 在这一句之前添加 */
this.list.insertBefore(item, this.clearFloat);



/* 在线管理删除按钮样式 */
#online li .delbtn {      
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    border: 0;   
    z-index: 3;
    color: #ffffff;
    display: inline;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 10.5px;
    padding:3px 5px;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: #d9534f;

