DDoS-Deflate 安装和配置
wget http://www.inetbase.com/scripts/ddos/install.sh chmod 0700 install.sh ./install.sh
配置文件是 /usr/local/ddos/ddos.conf ,默认有如下配置
##### Paths of the script and other files PROGDIR="/usr/local/ddos" PROG="/usr/local/ddos/ddos.sh" IGNORE_IP_LIST="/usr/local/ddos/ignore.ip.list" # 白名单.如有反向代理,注意添加本机地址和本机外网IP地址,防止提供反向代理的主机被判定为攻击. CRON="/etc/cron.d/ddos.cron" APF="/etc/apf/apf" IPT="/sbin/iptables" ##### frequency in minutes for running the script ##### Caution: Every time this setting is changed, run the script with --cron ##### option so that the new frequency takes effect FREQ=1 ##### How many connections define a bad IP? Indicate that below. # 单IP发起连接数阀值,不建议设置太低. NO_OF_CONNECTIONS=150 ##### APF_BAN=1 (Make sure your APF version is atleast 0.96) ##### APF_BAN=0 (Uses iptables for banning ips instead of APF) #一般情况下你是使用iptables来做防火墙,所以这里你需要将 APF_BAN的值改为0. APF_BAN=1 ##### KILL=0 (Bad IPs are'nt banned, good for interactive execution of script) ##### KILL=1 (Recommended setting) KILL=1 ##### An email is sent to the following address when an IP is banned. # 当单IP发起的连接数超过阀值后,将发邮件给指定的收件人. ##### Blank would suppress sending of mails EMAIL_TO="root" ##### Number of seconds the banned ip should remain in blacklist. # 设置被挡IP多少秒后移出黑名单. BAN_PERIOD=600
找到#echo $CURR_LINE_IP >> $IGNORE_IP_LIST,取消注释
找到netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > $BAD_IP_LIST,注释掉,
换成netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | egrep -o "[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > $BAD_IP_LIST
wget http://www.inetbase.com/scripts/ddos/uninstall.ddos chmod 0700 uninstall.ddos ./uninstall.ddos