ELS stands for Easy Linux Security. ELS was created by Richard Gannon, Martynas Bendorius and Wael Isa. ELS takes many of the tasks performed by our Administrators and puts it into an easy to use program for anyone to use. It is released under the GNU/GPL so it is free to use.

This program is always being improved with new features and bugfixes, so be sure to keep it up to date. If you found a bug or would like an improvement, please let us know! If you really like this program, donations are welcome!

支持的操作系统 :

* Red Hat Linux
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux
* Fedora Core
* CentOS
* Debian

ELS 有哪些功能:

* Install RKHunter
* Install RKHunter Cronjob which emails a user-set email address nightly
* Install/update APF
* Install/update BFD
* Install CHKROOTKIT Cronjob which emails a user-set email address nightly
* Disable Telnet
* Force SSH Protocol 2
* Secure /tmp
* Secure /var/tmp
* Secure /dev/shm
* 安装/升级 Zend Optimizer
* 安装/升级 eAccelerator
* MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 Configuration Optimization
* Upgrade MySQL to 5.0
* Tweak WHM Settings for security and stability
* Configure RNDC if not already done (cPanel only)
* Change SSH port (also configure APF as necessary)
* Add wheel user and disable direct root login over SSH
* 优化 MySQL tables
* 安装/升级 Libsafe
* 安装/升级 ImageMagick (from latest source)
* Uninstall LAuS
* Harden sysctl.conf
* Install Chirpy’s Free Exim Dictionary Attack ACL (cPanel only)
* 更多!

安装 ELS, 以ROOT身份运行以下命令:

wget -O installer.sh http://els.web4host.net/installer.sh
chmod +x installer.sh
sh installer.sh


标签: Linux系统安全
